- + + + + + + + +
Worship Leader Josh Maines
Pianists Cathy Larson
Asa Carns
Sound Room Supervisor Josh Maines
Sound Room Staff Matt Eirich
Pastoral Care Pastor Julia Piper
Daycare Director Amber Gisewhite
Church Secretary
Church Treasurer Janet Turner
Church Custodians Susan Marker
James Marker
Wayne Bambarger* Justin Croasmun
Mary Ann Crowell Tom Hampton
Bill Hummel Denny Knepp
Alan Larson Missy Maines*
Garrett Miller * Stephanie Russell
Janet Turner *Daycare Board
Greeters: Today Drew McDowell Acolyte: Dominic Carns
1/19/2025 Ron & Rhonda Natalie Bryce Bush - + + + + + + + + +
——- Tear or cut – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Gethsemane Cares!!!
Update Us!!!
Let us know what you are concerned about–people you haven’t seen
in worship for a while, upcoming surgeries, family needs, shut-ins, any
Tear off and please drop in the offering box or call the church office.
Welcome to Gethsemane
January 12, 2025
Sun. Jan. 12 Worship 9 AM
Sunday School 10:30 AM
Mon. Jan. 13 M&M meeting 6 pm
Tues. Jan. 14 Fingers of Faith 5 pm
Wed. Jan. 15 Senior Luncheon 1 pm
Leadership Bible Study 6:30 pm
Mon. Jan. 20 Leadership Council 6 pm
Sun. Jan. 26 Soup Sale Orders DUE
Mon. Jan. 27 Daycare Board 6 pm
Fri. Jan 31 Soup Sale pick up 4-6 pm
Let’s send a Little Blessing with a card.
Our Encouragement Members for the month of January are:
Connie O’Dell 608 Lowes Hill Rd.
Munson, PA 16860
Ron & Judy Rothrock 126 N. Front St.
Philipsburg, PA 16866
Senior Luncheon is THIS Wednesday, Jan 15 at 1 pm. a sign up sheet on the Bulletin Board by sanctuary entrance.
There is
Leadership Bible Study will meet on Wednesday 6: 30 pm with
leaders Dawn Coder and Julie Brooks. A great opportunity to
grown in your faith in 2025!
Fingers of Faith will meet Tuesday from 5:00 – 6:30 PM.
There are extra Gethsemane T-shirts in the Welcome Area.
Feel free to take one!
GUMC is embarking on a remarkable new ministry. We invite you to join us
in making a difference by donating the following essential items to create
“personal care kits” for those in need. We are seeking donations of
toothbrushes, small toothpaste, wash clothes, soap, travel size toiletries,
shampoo. Additionally, we are in need of gloves, hats, warm socks and
blankets for men, women and children. There will be a bin in the Welcome
Center to place your items. If any questions, please see Nancy Bowman or
Pastor Julia.
The West Branch Area Food Bank services 145 families every
month. They are looking for the following donations – January–
Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce, canned fruit.
Monetary donations are helpful too!!
The GUMC Health and Safety Committee is requesting that
anyone who helps with food preparation in the Gethsemane
Kitchen complete the online course and assessment for a
Servsafe Food Handler. This course covers 5 key areas including
basic food safety, personal hygiene, cross contamination and
allergens, time and temperature, and cleaning and sanitation.
Each of the 5 areas should take about 10 minutes to complete.
Cost of the course is $15.
Joys and concerns Our country, Pastor Julia & Jeff Piper, Church ministries,
June Haas, Janet Larson, Arlene Hurtack, Connie O’Dell, Donna & Stan, Bob
& Lillian, Harold Carlson, Ron & Judy Rothrock, Calvin, Rosie, Charlene, Abby
Danko, Mike Yedlosky, Wendy, Penny, Kasey, Linda S, C.J. Coudriet, John
Bowman, Shirley Houdeshell, Kelsey Matchock, Topanga, Anna, Gary Bickel
This Week’s requests: Bill E (infection), Kephart family, Carol, Gary, Mary,
Calvin & Kathy Purnell, Mary Lee, Nancy, Jeff, Nicki, Allan, Eric, Janice, John,
Dave, Melanie & family, Sonny & Marissa Coudriet, Lynn Coudriet, Garil, Brian,
Crystal (test results), Delaney, Dunlap family, Wayne, April & family, Mary,
travel safety, Brenda, Steve, Jolene, Mike, Barb, Rich, family, Mike, Caitlin,
Matt, Dave Crain, Drew, Katie (cancer), Debra & Kids, Broc, Molly and family,
Brynn & family, Donna, Stan, Bonnie, Marilyn, Erling, Carol, April, Brandon,
Last Week’s requests: Norma Coudriet, Rosemary Deliman, Nancy, Bill & Pam,
Steve & family, Mary Lee, Debra & kids, Brynn & kids, Nicki, Allan, Eric, Janice,
John, Sonny & Marisa Coudriet, Lynn Coudriet, Drew, Dave, Melanie & family,
Erica, JoAnne, Delaney, Steve, Brenda, Mike, Jolene, Dunlap family, Barb,
Rich, Doug, Kathy, Broc & Molly, Brandon, Rowles family, Kephart family, Mike,
Cait, Matt, Scott, Jimmy, Dorothy, Wayne, April & family, Bonnie, April, Marilyn
& Erling, Carol, those who are sick
Praise: Happy 2025! God cares for you!
Prayers for Military Members Sgt. Brett Homman, Luke Burnisky, Markus
Hall, Ryan Lutz, Nate & Mary Burfield, Sara Sabol, Tylan English, Eric Muir, Ben
Handel, Lucas Kristofits, Dalton Foster, Andrew Dawes, LG Smeal, Luke Kosut,
Jake Shaw, Hunter Hayward, Foxx Curley, Kendra Knepp, Zachary Coudriet,
Anthony Guglielmi, & Noah Ryder. Please let the office know of any updates.
Prayers for Susquehanna Churches:
First Three Springs UMC, Three Springs Camp Hill UMC, Camp Hill Bowmans Chapel UMC, Mapleton Depot Bower Memorial Berwick UMC, Berwick Hawley UMC, Hawley
Wesley Forest Camp & Retreat Center, Weikert
Lower Bambara UMC, Panguma – Sierra Leone
Fort Loudon UMC, Fort Loudon
First Lewistown UMC, Lewistown
Pine Mill UMC, Equinunk
Daggett UMC, Millerton