Drama Ministry
Our drama ministry started in the basement of the parsonage with a group of men and their love of Christ and theatre in 1999 and is a thriving ministry in our church today.
Michael Crandall and Donna Pieffer decided to write an original passion play with music for the drama ministry in the late 90’s and their result was the Cradle to the Cross. It was first performed in its entirety in 2001. In 2006 parishioner Deaette Coudriet became the director and is currently serving in that position. The Cradle to the Cross now has an average cast of 70 people from our congregation, many area churches and the community. The common desire of the cast is to spread the wonderful message of God’s love through the birth, death and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ.
In 2004 we began to explore other ways to spread the message of Christ to our community. With a small group of actors from the Easter passion play we created Gethsemane Players and performed our first Mystery Dinner Theatre “Murder, Mayhem and Marshmallow Salad” in 2005. This part of our drama ministry is also still going strong and we have performed many mystery dinner and dessert productions with a lot of community support.
Our church is truly blessed to have such an array of actors who want to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, not only in the Easter passion play and the mystery dramas but in other areas of the church…like vacation bible school, Illustrated sermons, women’s ministries and so much more. If you feel led, or like being on stage or behind the scenes please contact Deaette Coudriet at 661-2606 to be a part of this exciting ministry.