
RESPONSE TO THE WORDOFFERING AND TRADITIONAL DOXOLOGYOFFERING: Feelfreetoplaceyourgifts,offerings,andtithesinthe container in the aisle behind the last…

+++++++++TOGETHER, SEEKING GOD, MAKING DISCIPLES, RENEWING THE WORLD Welcome to GethsemaneWorship Leader PianistsSound Room Supervisor…

HOLY COMMUNIONRESPONSE TO THE WORDOFFERING AND TRADITIONAL DOXOLOGYOFFERING: Feelfreetoplaceyourgifts,offerings,andtithesinthe container in the aisle behind the…

RESPONSE TO THE WORDOFFERING AND TRADITIONAL DOXOLOGYOFFERING: Feelfreetoplaceyourgifts,offerings,andtithesinthe container in the aisle behind the last…

RESPONSE TO THE WORDOFFERING AND TRADITIONAL DOXOLOGYOFFERING: Feelfreetoplaceyourgifts,offerings,andtithesinthe container in the aisle behind the last…

+++++++++Worship Leader PianistsSound Room Supervisor Sound Room StaffCONTACT PERSONS Pastoral Care Daycare Director Church Secretary…