Gethsemane United Methodist Daycare
“A Good Beginning Never Ends!”
The Gethsemane United Methodist Daycare was started in August 1998 in order to assist parents with childcare while allowing them to be with their children as often as possible.
Our goal is to provide a safe environment, enriched with Christian love where we assist children with the development of self-esteem through various learning experiences.
The Gethsemane Daycare is based on an hourly rate so parents can schedule only the care they need each week. We are one of the only centers in the state who bills this way. Other centers make the client reserve either full or part time care and they must always reserve this spot whether they need the care or not. Our entire basis is to provide a care alternative that encourages families to be together as much as possible. Hourly billing where the client only schedules what care they need keeps parents with their children.
We also are able to pray and teach our children about Jesus in a Christ focused environment. Keeping families together and teaching about Jesus is our entire reason for having child care at the Gethsemane United Methodist Church.
The Daycare serves ages 6 weeks to 12 years of age or through 6 th grade. Our hours are from 6:30am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. A tour of our facilities can be arranged by calling (814) 345-3809. If space is available for care the papers can be explained and filled out following the tour. We can also be reached by email at