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Josh Maines Cathy Larson Asa Carns
Josh Maines Matt Eirich Austin Silver - + +
Worship Leader Pianists
Sound Room Supervisor Sound Room Staff
CONTACT PERSONS Pastoral Care Daycare Director Church Secretary Church Treasurer Church Custodians
Missy Maines*
Mary Ann Crowell
Dennis Knepp Alan Larson Janet Turner
Greeters: Today 07/21/24
Tues. Wed.
July 15
July 16 July 17
July 22
July 14, 2024
Leadership Council
VBS Decorating at Bethany Retreat Center
FingersofFaith 6pm
Food Bank & Clothes Closet 9- 11 am Sr.Luncheon 1:00pm
LeadershipBibleStudy 7pm
VBS at Bethany Retreat Center begins Lighthouse Church T-shirts orders due Daycare Board Meeting
Clothes Closet open 9-11 am LeadershipBibleStudy 7pm
Summer Splash 4 – 8 pm Leadership Bible Study 7 pm
Fingers of Faith 6 pm
Food Bank & Clothes Closet 9- 11 am LeadershipBibleStudy 7pm
Richard & Barbara Crain Lillian Beveridge
Acolyte: Isabella Carns Xavier Fackler
Pastor Julia Piper Amber Gisewhite Juanita Wilson Janet Turner Susan Marker James Marker
Wayne Bambarger* Justin Croasmun Bonnie Hollis
Bill Hummel Garrett Miller * *Daycare Board
Wed. July 24
Sat. July 27 Wed. July 31 Tues. Aug 6 Wed. Aug 7
The altar owers are given in loving honor of
Leila J Carns
on her 95 birthday 7/14/24 from her son Asa
WE ALL NEED A PICKER UPPER NOW & THEN. Let’s send a Little Blessing with a card.
Our Encouragement Members for the month of July are:
George Sabol Shirley Johnson
1839 Morrisdale-Allport Hwy Philipsburg, PA 16866
P.O. Box 36 Allport, PA 16821
6 pm Lighthouse Congregation T-Shirt order forms are on the small table by sanctuary entrance. Orders due July 22. Free shirt!!!!!!
Our Clothes Closet is OVERFLOWING. No donations taken until September. Clothes closet is open every Wednesday 9 – 11 AM.
The West Branch Area Food Bank services 120 families every month. They are looking for the following donations – July – Spaghetti Sauce, & Cereal.
Sights & Sound Trip 9/25/24 11:00 AM “ Daniel” Includes Trip, Dinner to follow at Plain and Fancy. Price is $246.00 all inclusive. Must know before August 4, both payment and count.
VBS is at the end of July (July 22- 26) and would welcome volunteers. Call the church office for information. See you there!!!!
If you would like to sponsor the bulletin in honor/memory of someone or some event, the cost is $25. Please call church office 345-6860 with the information for the bulletin. Yes, there is a price increase.
Joys and concerns Our country, Pastor Julia & Jeff Piper, families, Church ministries, families grieving, Donna & Stan, Bob & Lillian, June Haas, Shirley Houdeshell, Dorothy Andrews, Anna, Harold, Denny, Rosie, Charlene, Ron & Rhonda, Ron & Judy Rothrock, Janet Larson, Harold, Abby Danko, Mike Yedlosky, Wendy, Penny, Dan Luzier, Kasey, Myrna McDowell, Linda S, C.J. Coudriet, Topanga.
This Weeks requests: Wayne, April & family, Granddaughter Gabby, Kathy, Jane T., Trey, Hath, Lois, Darla, Krista, Unspoken, Rob Rothrock, Tom Mathews Bill Fowler, Jennifer Yoursit- gallbladder, Steve, Anthony, Mike, family, Donna & Stan, Bonnie, April, Marilyn & Erling, Dave-fracture rib/gallstones, Norma Coudriet, Nancy, Bill, Terry, Bill, Pam, Doug, Kathy, Steve, Mark, Joyce F., unspoken, Mom & baby safety, Arron Conklin, Jess, Dana- Tests, Marie P.- granddaughter, friend that have still born baby, Myrna McDowell Family, & Eleanor safe travel.
Last Week’s requests: Sidney Oreck, Williams family, Andy Danko, Ashley Smith hoping for good test results, Gavin, Julia McCauley awaiting deployment date, Ryan starting new job tomorrow, Sydney Dunlap, Susan, Kelly, Abby, Nikki, Nancy, Sydney, Becky, safe travels, Brother and Sister- in -law, Catherine Strange, & Josh Maines family with uncle passing.
Praise: For all the wonderful people in our church and community. For the people making other people feel special, needed, & loved. All are military members here and far. Great movie night for the kids.
Prayers for Military Members Markus Hall, Ryan Lutz, Nate & Mary Burfield, Nate Kerlin, Sara Sabol, Tylan English, Eric Muir, Ben Handel, Lucas Kristofits, Dalton Foster, Andrew Dawes, LG Smeal, Luke Kosut, Jake Shaw, Hunter Hayward, Foxx Curley, Kendra Knepp, Zachary Coudriet, Anthony Guglielmi, & Noah Ryder.
Prayers for Susquehanna Churches:
FortheweeksofJune30-July6andJuly7–13 Please pray for All Congregations and Pastors going through a time of transition
Fingers of Faith are meeting every Tuesday evening at 6 pm.
project and join the fun learning new patterns and new ideas. There are several talented ladies in the group that will surprise you every week.
OperationChristmasChild Pleasebringanyitemsyouhavefordonationto the boxes this year. There is a list out in the welcome center or call the church and we can email or mail you the list of items needed. Thank you.
——– Tear or cut – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Gethsemane Cares!!!
Update Us!!!
Let us know what you are concerned about–people you haven’t seen in worship for a while, upcoming surgeries, family needs, shut-ins, any concerns? ___________________________________________
Tear off and please drop in the offering box or call the church office.
Bring your
JULY 27, 2024
4 – 8 pm
Josh Maines and his band playing!!!
Need helpers at the event
Slip & Slide (bring your swimsuit)
Bring your favorite lawn chair and hang out Will have food vendors, games, crafts, water balloons
sand art
Check the sign-up list in the Welcome center ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AUGUST 9 & 10 COMMUNITY YARD SALE!!
Fri.4-7PM–Sat. 9AM-2PM
Sign up for a committee, crafts, games, food, bake sale, etc. Call the church office for info.
Check bulletin board for signup sheets or talk with Missy & Julie
for details
welcome volunteers
YARD SALE Sign up for your table and space (is 10 x 10 with table $25.00 – extra tables are $10.00 ea. while they last) at the yard sale in August.
Start saving items for your table to be overflowing with treasures for someone.
For events coming up- Need donation of water and drinks, and will need
candy for Kylertown Parade and Trunk or Treat in Oct. events
August 13
Corn Boil Night
Bring a covered dish and a friend.
Please support our
MovieNightfortheKids August16at7pm
Kylertown Parade August 17
We would like to be part of this event.
Looking for someone to donate their truck for the Kylertown Parade and a few individuals that could ride in the truck and throw candy. Banners are being made to place on side of the truck to welcome the community to GUMC. Call the church office if you are interested in being part of the parade.
August 18
Backpack Tags Sunday
For the kids going back to school 8/22/24
JULY 27, 2024
4 – 8 pm
Josh Maines and his band playing!!!
Need helpers at the event
Slip & Slide (bring your swimsuit)
Bring your favorite lawn chair and hang out Will have food vendors, games, crafts, water balloons
sand art
Check the sign-up list in the Welcome center ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AUGUST 9 & 10 COMMUNITY YARD SALE!!
Fri.4-7PM–Sat. 9AM-2PM
Sign up for a committee, crafts, games, food, bake sale, etc. Call the church office for info.
Check bulletin board for signup sheets or talk with Missy & Julie
for details
welcome volunteers
YARD SALE Sign up for your table and space (is 10 x 10 with table $25.00 – extra tables are $10.00 ea. while they last) at the yard sale in August.
Start saving items for your table to be overflowing with treasures for someone.
For events coming up- Need donation of water and drinks, and will need
candy for Kylertown Parade and Trunk or Treat in Oct. events
August 13
Corn Boil Night
Bring a covered dish and a friend.
Please support our
MovieNightfortheKids August16at7pm
Kylertown Parade August 17
We would like to be part of this event.
Looking for someone to donate their truck for the Kylertown Parade and a few individuals that could ride in the truck and throw candy. Banners are being made to place on side of the truck to welcome the community to GUMC. Call the church office if you are interested in being part of the parade.
August 18
Backpack Tags Sunday
For the kids going back to school 8/22/24