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Josh Maines Cathy Larson Asa Carns
Josh Maines Matt Eirich Austin Silver
Pastor Julia Piper AmberGisewhite Juanita Wilson Janet Turner Susan Marker James Marker
Wayne Bambarger* Justin Croasmun Bonnie Hollis
Bill Hummel Garrett Miller * Daycare Board + TOGETHER, SEEKING GOD, MAKING DISCIPLES, RENEWING THE WORLD Welcome to Gethsemane Worship Leader Pianists Sound Room Supervisor Sound Room Staff CONTACT PERSONS Pastoral Care DaycareDirector Church Secretary Church Treasurer Church Custodians CHURCH LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Penny Bickel, President Missy Maines
Mary Ann Crowell
May 12, 2024
Dennis Knepp
Alan Larson
Janet Turner Greeters: Today
& Deanna Grossi
Nancy Bowman &
Kathy Cartwright
Acolyte: Xavier Fackler Braden Bush
The altar flowers are in memory of
Kathryn Carlson
On Mother’s Day
With love from Cindy Williams
ConcertBenefitMay19that2pm. “TheCalvaryBoys”HolyTrinityLutheran Church, Lanse. Enjoy some good music and stay after for Light refreshments !
Please- PrayforAnnualConferencetheendofMay
Let’s send a Little Blessing with a card.
Our Encouragement Members for the month of May are:
Mon. Tues. Wed.
Sat. May 18 Sun. May 19
Fri May 24 Sat. May 25 Wed May 29
May 13 May 14 May 15
Ministries and Mission – 6 pm VBS Meeting @ Larson’s 6:30 pm
May 16
Food Bank & Clothes Closet
Sr. Luncheon 1 pm LeadershipBibleStudy 7pm Health and Safety Team – 6:30 pm
Tea Party 2 – 4 pm Hope Hall
Last Day to Order Pies Pentecost Sunday, wear red
Benefit Concert – 2 pm
Calvary Boys at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Pie Pickup 3:30 – 5:30 pm Hope Hall Reserved 5-8 pm Daycare Board at 6 pm
9-11 am
Myrna McDowell
Mary Sabol PleaseOrderyourGeraniumsforPentecostand
for in honor or memory of your loved ones. LAST DAY ORDER !!
304 S. Second Street Clearfield, PA 16830
235 Allport Cutoff Morrisdale, PA 16858 The bulletin is given in loving memory of
Frances Jackson & Elizabeth Hollis
on Mother’s Day by Mike and Bonnie Hollis
The Allport/Bigler/Woodland Work Camp will be June 16- June 21. The service area covers all of Bradford, Cooper, Graham, and Morris Townships. Work request forms are available on the Missions Table in the Welcome Center.
As a fundraiser to provide funds for the Allport Cemetery, GUMC will be selling pies May 24, 2024. The pies will be made at the church and will be $10.00 each. Orders are due May 19th and must be prepaid. All orders and monies should be given to the church office (345-6860) or placed in the offering plates. Make checks payable to Gethsemane United Methodist Church. Pies will be available for pick up on May 24th from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. We will be making Coconut Cream, Chocolate, Cherry, Pumpkin, Peanut Butter, Lemon Meringue, Pecan, Apple, and Strawberry. Order forms area at the Welcome Center.
Looking for committees to help with some events coming up in May & June. If you have teapots & teacups that can be used for Tea Party in May, please contact Missy Maines or Julie Brooks for more information. Lots of fun stuff is coming up here at GUMC. Signup sheet posted in church foyer.
——– Tear or cut – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Gethsemane Cares!!! Update Us!!!
Let us know what you are concerned about–people you haven’t seen in worship for a while, upcoming surgeries, family needs, shut-ins, any concerns? ___________________________________________
Tear off and please drop in the offering box or call the church office.
Joys and concerns Our country, Pastor Julia & Jeff Piper, families, Church ministries, families grieving, Donna & Stan, Bob & Lillian, June Haas, Shirley 2Houdeshell, Dorothy Andrews, Anna, Harold, Denny, Rosie, Charlene, Ron & Rhonda, Ron & Judy Rothrock, Janet Larson, Harold, Abby Danko, Mike Yedlosky, Wendy, Penny, Dan Luzier, Kasey, Myrna McDowell, Linda S, C.J. Coudriet, Topanga.
This Weeks requests: Pray for hospice patients, Penny B.-testing this week, Richard, John and family, Janice, Nicki, Bob & Sharon, Allan Myers-starting new job, yah, Ethan Myers, Steve, Mark, Joyce, Nancy, Bill, Bill & Terry, Pam, Jonne & Gary, Unspoken, Darlene, Charlene, unspoken, Tom, Matthews, Clif Barrett, Pam Inskeep, Justin-young man had open heart surgery, Pam P., Kimberly, April, Donna & Stan, Deb, Marilyn & Erling, Kelly, Abby, Nikki, Nancy, Kim, Sydney, Tina, Pam’s MRI on Wed., Naydea, Benson, Kyle, Steve, Anthony, brother having surgery on Monday, family, Norma Coudriet, Tina & Shawn Wood- Tina brain tumor, Mike Penny, Jess Hoffman, & Mary Sabol.
Last Week’s request: Jimmy, Kathy, Doug , Rembuch family, Diane, Cindy, Deb, Norma Coudriet, Brian Grubbs, Julie B., Ryan R., Steve’s mom, Luke, & Gary- Testing.
Praises: Teachers Appreciation Week and National Nurse Week!!. Thank you to all these individuals and their families that give so much every day. All the graduates this week and the weeks ahead. Pam Inskeep lost several lbs.!!
Prayers for Military Members Markus Hall, Ryan Lutz, Nate & Mary Burfield, Nate Kerlin, Sara Sabol, Tylan English, Eric Muir, Ben Handel, Lucas Kristofits, Dalton Foster, Andrew Dawes, LG Smeal, Luke Kosut, Jake Shaw, Hunter Hayward, Foxx Curley, Kendra Knepp, Zachary Coudriet, Anthony Guglielmi, & Noah Ryder.
Prayers for Susquehanna Churches:
Port Matilda UMC, Port Matilda, Tipton UMC, Tipton,
Walnut Grove UMC, Newport, Ralston UMC, Ralston
Zion UMC, East Prospect, Moscow UMC, Moscow, Rogers Memorial UMC, Bo – Sierra Leone,
First UMC, Hollidaysburg, Rhodes Memorial UMC, Le