Worship Leader Pianists
Sound Room Supervisor Sound Room Staff
CONTACT PERSONS Pastoral Care Daycare Director Church Secretary Church Treasurer Church Custodians
Missy Maines*
Mary Ann Crowell
Dennis Knepp Alan Larson Janet Turner
Greeters: Today
Josh Maines Cathy Larson Asa Carns
Josh Maines Matt Eirich Austin Silver
Pastor Julia Piper Amber Gisewhite Juanita Wilson Janet Turner Susan Marker James Marker
Wayne Bambarger* Justin Croasmun Bonnie Hollis
Bill Hummel Garrett Miller * *Daycare Board
April 7, 2024
Missy Maines
Donna Homman
Mon. Tues.
Mon. Tues.
May Notes:
Apr. 22 Apr. 23
Apr. 27
Apr. 29 Apr. 30
May 2 12
Apr. 7
Apr. 8
Acolyte Training during Sunday School (This is new!)
No After School Program 3:30 – 4:45 pm Ministers & Missions 6 pm FingerofFaith –6pm
Servant Leadership Studies 7 pm After School Program 3:30 – 4:45 pm
LeadershipCouncil 6pm FingerofFaith –6pm
Food Pantry and Clothing Closet 9-11 am
Sr. Luncheon 1 pm
Leadership Study 7 pm
After School Program 3:30 – 4:45 pm FingerofFaith –6pm
Baked Steak Dinner Drive Thru 3:30-5:30 pm
Last After School Program 3:30 – 4:45 pm FingerofFaith –6pm
National Day of Prayer Mother’s Day Ascension Sunday
Tues. Apr. 9 Wed. Apr. 10 Mon. Apr. 15
Tues. Apr. 16
Wed. Apr. 17
The Allport/Bigler/Woodland Work Camp will be June 16- June 21. The service area covers all of Bradford, Cooper, Graham and Morris Townships. Work request forms are available on the Missions Table in the Welcome Center.
Small groups are Sunday Morning @ 10:15 am- Minor Prophets in the library -Micah Chapter 3 this week. Wed. night 7 pm Servant Leadership Studies. Working on Kitchen Study.
The West Branch Area Food Bank services 120 families every month. They are looking for the following donations – April – Mac & Cheese- cereal.
WORKCAMP this year is JUNE 16 – 21. Application forms for project requests and for helpers to register are at the church office. Just ask for the form.
Several events are coming up this spring. Please sign up to come and enjoy and sign up to services the Lord. Everyone is welcome to fellowship and meet new friends. Note: Circus and School Drama are April 13.
Tax Time: We wanted to make you aware of some tax changes. As always, please consult with a tax advisor about these changes.
Qualified Charitable Distributions have a few more options. Starting in 2023, folks who are aged 701⁄2 or older can gift a one-time amount of $50,000 (adjusted for annual inflation) to a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT), charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT), or charitable gift annuity (CGA).
DayCare Needs – Check out Wish List:
CheckouttheDayCareAmazonaccountWishList https://a.co/7HHMhOI
——– Tear or cut – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Gethsemane Cares!!! Update Us!!!
Let us know what you are concerned about–people you haven’t seen in worship for a while, upcoming surgeries, family needs, shut-ins, any concerns? _______________________________________
Tear off and please drop in the offering box or call the church office.
Joys and concerns Our country, Pastor Julia & Jeff Piper, families, Church ministries, families grieving, Donna & Stan, Bob & Lillian, June Haas, Shirley Houdeshell, Dorothy Andrews, Anna, Harold, Denny, Rosie, Charlene, Ron & Rhonda, Ron & Judy Rothrock, Janet Larson, Harold, Abby Danko, Mike Yedlosky, Wendy, Penny, Dan Luzier, Kasey, Myrna McDowell, Linda S, C.J. Coudriet, Topanga.
This Weeks requests: Marie Pentz- broken rib, Sarah, Students at Bucknell University, Donna & Stan, Bonnie, Kimberly, April Deb, unspoken, Sarah Natalie Walstrom- surgery 4/2, Kelly Abby, Kim C., Rhonda, Sarah, Tina – procedure 4/1, Louann & Louie, Luke Burnicky, unspoken, Gary Stiner, Karen P., Joe P., Unspoken, April B., Richard, John & family, Eleanor Susan Taylor, Marilyn & Erling,
Last Week’s request: Erin Myers, Mike-sickness, Arlene, Steve, Anthony, family, Gavin, Sarah, friend with cancer, Gary & Joanne, Joyce, Steve, Mark, Nancy & Bill, Darline, Char & Don, Sussan Eleanor Taylor, Shirley H., Dana Bean, Kim, Jimmy, Peach & Sandy, Baltimore victims, Becky Meek, Mike Lawrence, Susan Park’s children, Howey’s Mom, Naydea, Kyle, Benson, Spunk, & Gray family
Praises: Happy Birthday to Lilliam Beveridge is 90 today 3/31. Great Sunrise Services and Breakfast after was wonderful- Thank you ALL!! Great Easter Egg Hunt Loved by all.
Prayers for Military Members Markus Hall, Ryan Lutz, Nate & Mary Burfield, Nate Kerlin, Sara Sabol, Tylan English, Eric Muir, Ben Handel, Lucas Kristofits, Dalton Foster, Andrew Dawes, LG Smeal, Luke Kosut, Jake Shaw, Hunter Hayward, Foxx Curley, Kendra Knepp, Zachary Coudriet, Anthony Guglielmi, & Noah Ryder.
Prayers for Susquehanna Churches:
Hays Grove UMC, Newville,
15th Street Huntingdon UMC, Huntingdon,
Clarks Summit UMC, Clarks Summit,
Faith Hoovers UMC, Selinsgrove, Emmanuel Enola UMC, Enola, St Paul-Calvary UMC, Williamsport, Ennisville UMC, Huntingdon, Pleasant Grove Windsor UMC, Red Lion,
Dimock Community UMC, Dimock
Valley Salem UMC, Milroy,